I am lucky enough to be one of a group of volunteers heading to Kasapin in Ghana at the end of the month. This is part of global volunteer project Platform 2.
I have tried to comprehend what it will be like when I get there, and although some research has given me some insight I doubt that I haven't even touched the surface of the experience.
As part of the Platform 2 project I will be making bricks, laying these to eventually form a bank, post office and youth centre for the community in the Brong-Ahafo region of Ghana. I will also be teaching numeracy, literacy and may be some life skills in the local school.
There are a lot of global issues that Platform 2 have asked us to research before we head out to Ghana. Some which effect third world countries in a way we can't relate to. I have been looking at Health, mainly HIV and Malaria.
HIV and Malaria are both misunderstood and heavily stigmatised. Looking at Malaria I have found that this is a preventable disease through the use of medication and a simple mosquito net. I am sure I will find out more about this wide spread disease which has a high mortality rate for under fives. A high number of children in Ghana are also affected in directly by Malaria and HIV, with family members suffering and dying from either disease.
The BBC recently aired a documentary 'Blood, Sweat and Luxuries - Gold and E-waste' which sees a group of young adults travel to Ghana, extracting Gold from what can only be described as clay pits for next to nothing. The group visit a toxic waste site of E-Waste which depicts something from the Apocalypse. These images and this documentary are truly eye opening and a recommended watch.
As I sit and prepare for Ghana I realise that this experience is something which I cannot really begin to understand until I get there.
Watch the BBC documentary - Gold and E-Waste
Donate a mere 15 quid and prevent the effect of Malaria for a family
Watch an animation about Malaria produced by Christian Aid
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