Thursday, September 24, 2009

Piracy & Lily Allen.

Lily has gained a strong online social network, and is not afraid to use it.

Forever tweetin' her whereabouts, insights into her appreciation for the England cricket team or winding up Chris Moyles, "I suggest we start calling him tedious Dave as he spends far more time doing his aptly named link than being funny

Lily has racked up over 1 Million followers on Twitter, directing them through her tweets to see her view on the recent dispute about P2P music file sharing.

Lily Allen, equiped with her online status and a GQ shoot, gained an impressive 14 thousand profile views whilst actively blogging about the issue.

A month on and her blog has closed, "I have shut down the blog it is getting too much". Leaving influential breadcrumbs in the social sphere.

Lily's constant tweets and her ability to network with the right people, both on and offline drove a meeting on the controversial subject to be held in London after much attention from netizens and fellow web savvy celebrities.

Tweeting mid morning on 24 September that "there is a meeting today in London where artists are meeting to discuss Piracy. My job done." It is fair to say that Lily has used social media to it's full potential, birthing a policy meeting via an online conversational networking platform.

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